It was a pleasure to have you here as always! Hope to see you soon.
Ranger Don Stanko
General Grant National Memorial
Ken – I hope you were able to enjoy the day on Saturday. We were glad to have you aboard the Strasburg Rail Road.
Thank you for participating in our President’s Day Weekend opening!
Steve Barral
Dear Ken,
You may have already received an email from the entire NJ State History Fair committee thanking you for your participation at the 2016 Fair, but I wanted to thank you personally for your time, talent and your wonderful contribution to the day of the Fair. You made my job easy! I am glad that I got to see most of your presentation last Saturday. It was the perfect addition to the programming in the Auditorium. In addition to the historical aspect, you were engaging, professional, entertaining and had the audience in the palm of your hand. I must say that I was very pleased to meet you and work with you and hope to have the opportunity to do so in the future. I am sorry that the site where I spend most of my time is not of the CW-era to be able to use your talents there (it was Washington's final wartime headquarters--Rockingham, near Princeton). I hope you had fun! We are so glad that you were able to join us at the Fair and really appreciate your continued patronage.
Lisa A. Flick
Chair, Activities Committee
I am the president of a small school and witnessed your great presentation in Flemington last Saturday. As mentioned, I'd be very interested in having you come to our school.
Dirk Schumann
President of the Board of Directors
Trivium Academy of New Jersey
You are a true professional. It was a pleasure to have you here.
Best regards,
Seán P. Duffy
Programming, Publicity, & Archives Coordinator
Ohio County Public Library
Thank you, Ken! The response to your talk was phenomenal. One patron shared with me that he felt as if he was truly speaking with General Grant! No doubt a testimony to your vast knowledge and adept skill.
I posted the photo of you reading the Grant bio on our Facebook page. Please check out our page “Wissahickon Valley Public Library.”
I will most definitely keep you and General Lee in mind for future events!
Thank you very much for making your way here from Gettysburg (and NJ that hot day!) and sharing your incredible gift with us!
Enjoy the summer!
Debbie Slavutsky
Community Outreach Coordinator
Wissahickon Valley Public Library
Thanks again for joining us. Everyone enjoyed your presentation and was impressed with your command of the subject matter.
Paul Windels
Midtown Manhatten Civil War Round Table
Many thanks to you for the fantastic program at the UPV Library! Everyone in attendance appeared to thoroughly enjoy the program. You are a wonderful speaker and it’s very evident that you love what you do.
I would love to have you back in the future for your President Grant program.
Thanks again!
Joyce Weiss
Upper Perkiomen Valley Library
It is I who needs to say thanks. The gentleman who was taking all the notes stopped by Wed. to tell Lacey how much he enjoyed your presentation. He asked if you would be back again for another. The one lady in the front is in the library every day. She does not interact much with the staff or other patrons, so I was pleased she participated and ask questions. I think it was the perfect setting for her to feel comfortable in.
Again, it was good to see you and thanks for a wonderful program.
Bradford Library
Hi Ken,
Thank you so much for making the trip so wonderful yesterday! I know the group really enjoyed having you there. You were wonderful to work with and I really appreciated you being so flexible with the time changes.
Dawn and I are working on putting together an Adams Co. package for groups and would love to use your services for that. I will keep you posted as we put together some more details.
Thanks again!
Elizabeth Miller
Elite Coach
Thanks, Ken! You did a great job and I got a lot of compliments on your program. I really appreciate your being able to fill in solo at the last minute like that!
Best wishes,
Lori A. Schwabenbauer, MSLS
Director, Avon Grove Library
I also enjoyed the program Wed. night – you do a wonderful job of bringing history to life. I will keep the other programs in mind and be in touch if I can schedule something.
Happy spring,
Nancy Behney
Assistant Director
Milanof-Schock Library
Amazing program. Everyone loved it.
Ranger Matt Penrod
Arlington House NPS
It was great, as always to hear your message. I know the group enjoyed it.
See you in a few.
Alyse Mitten, Executive Director
Mid-Atlantic Community Papers Association
Hi Ken,
I was very pleased with the turnout as well as the enthusiasm of the crowd. Some of the questions really showed an interest and knowledge base about Grant that was impressive. Speaking of impressive – I’m truly impressed at how much you know about Grant. Your love and knowledge of the topic really comes through in your speaking. So thank you again for making the trip.
Thanks also for spreading the word about our future programs.
Nancy Behney
Assistant Director
Milanof-Schock Library
Dear Ken,
Know that we at PA Questers are most appreciative of your being with us last Wednesday for our 2017 Spring Conference. I had feedback from several of your seminar participants as to their thorough enjoyment of your informative talk and for your passion for your subject matter. You also were a delightful luncheon partner as well with your engaging comments as we nine had conversation during the noon hour. We will certainly keep you in mind for future engagements. Feel free to let our incoming PA 2nd VP Lois Bell know of additions to your speaking topics, as you develop them, as well as to your current ones.
Most appreciatively,
Gloria Henneman
2025-17 PA Questers 2nd VP
Thanks so much, the residents really enjoyed your program. We’d be happy to have you back. Please let me know when you will be back in the area again sometime in the fall of this year if possible. Thanks!
Shannondell Village
Hi Ken,
Thanks so much for coming to CHPL last night! Your performance was fantastic--patrons were raving and our Library board was impressed that so many people came out to see you. I will be in touch in the next few months about having you come back as President Grant in February 2018.
Thanks again!
Claire Schmieder, MA, MLIS
Adult Services Librarian
Cherry Hill Public Library
Thank you for sharing !! I really had a hard time believing you weren't Grant! I had a busy day today, but will spend some time tomorrow reviewing photos. We will keep in touch. Thanks for sharing the photos.
Oxford PA Historical Society
Thanks for conducting the program! People seemed to like it.
Adrian A.
Mount Laurel Library
Hi Ken,
Thank you so very much for bringing General Grant to our library! I would like to invite President Grant here -- do you have a website that lists your traveling schedule?
Dorene C. Miller
Penn Area Library
Thank you, Ken!
What a treat and a pleasure to have you with us. The next day, a gentleman came in and gave us a check for $50, he enjoyed your talk so much. That's miraculous in our world of people giving us an extra nickel from their photocopying bill! People were genuinely thrilled and we are looking for a bigger venue for your return as President Grant.
As I said, I am a new director of a down-on-its-luck library, so this event really boosted our street cred, so to speak. People are still talking. I may send Tracy Trotter flowers for including us in your tour of duty.
I enjoyed meeting you. You have a gift and an impressive persona, and I'm so glad it takes you on such interesting adventures. I need to connect on Facebook, and I look forward to working together again.
Mary C. Kaufman, Director
Mount Pleasant Public Library
Wow, what a great event! Positive comments continue to roll in. I will be talking to Denni at Delmont, and when she is ready to set a date we will be back in touch. In the meantime, I will also be spreading the word to the other libraries in the county. I am sure once they hear the reports of Dorene, Mary and me, they are going to be interested as well.
Something you may not know is that behind the scenes, when multiple libraries host the same event, we do a sort of "bucket brigade" along the schedule. Whoever hosts first contacts the next libraries on the schedule to let them know how it went. Dorene called me early on Tuesday morning and laid all my fears to rest with her excellent account of your program. She spoke highly of your professionalism, knowledge and engaging demeanor with the people in attendance. After meeting you I could sense that her report was true, and your program confirmed all her good words as well. I passed along a similar rave review to Mary on Wednesday morning, so she was equally reassured! I told her that she would have absolutely nothing to worry about on your account, and that she could spend all her anxiety on the venue. (I believe there was a cat clinic in the space earlier in the day and she had a bit of "fun" to deal with there.)
Thank you for being so knowledgeable, so easy to work with and so entertaining! Have a wonderful time until you hear from us again, I am sure you have many Grant appearances during the summer months!
Tracey Trotter
Adams Memorial Library
Latrobe PA
Hi, Ken,
Totally awesome, is what I have to say about your presentation! Received tons of kudos! Would appreciate Grant’s return in 2018…Until then… enjoy the holidays in good health – and see you next year!
All the best,
Jennifer Sternberg
Program Supervisor
Monroe Township Office of Senior Services
Hi Ken,
Thank you for the wonderful program. It was a huge success and loved by all. Let's schedule a sequel for February 2018 and celebrate the 150th. Let me know if you have a Thursday evening available.
Kind Regards,
Corbit-Calloway Memorial Library
Hi Ken,
We were delighted to have you back, and hope to bring the President back soon. Adam Cole is now the new Adult Services Librarian. He may be in touch with you about the President, but just know it’s for the same library and I’ll look forward to seeing you.
Best wishes for the New Year!
Lafayette Hill Library
Thank you so very much, Ken. The feedback was terrific – everyone loved the presentation. I’d love to host a different President every president’s Day weekend if I can but I don’t think I’ll find anyone as good as your Grant!
Allaire Village
The group certainly enjoyed your program and it would be great to have you back in the future.
Barbara Weisbart
Director of Adult Enrichment
JCC of Central New Jersey
Wilf Jewish Community Campus
You are quite welcome! One, I try to write immediately while the feelings and impressions are still fresh in my mind. Two, you were terrific, people loved your program. Third, I love Traveling Literary Theater and want to keep up good relations.
Good luck with all of your upcoming performances! There are places in Grant, and so many other military books, that describe well the terrible conditions as armies and generals marched and camped in the cold and the drenching rain....makes me feel that I don't really have cause to complain. I'm not sleeping on the ground, I don't have to walk 25 miles before twilight. On the other side, it's funny how some things don't change--from the Civil War on, it seems that everyone needs a hot cup of coffee to stave off the cold!
Jennifer Rees Schulze
Head of Adult Services
Westfield Memorial Library
President Grant’s visit was greatly appreciated! I, too, have been very busy and do not know exactly what happened to the month of February other than it went by too quickly. I hope your visit to Odessa was enjoyable as well.
Looking forward to working with you in the future.
Hi Ken:
We would definitely love to have the President come in for a chat! The history theme has gone over so well, we will certainly do it again. Everyone loved the program. In fact, it was perhaps one of the best attended afternoon programs I have ever had. I can almost always count on a chatty group. It's rare when no one has any comments or questions, which the presenters always appreciate.
I'll reach out to you within the year! Semper Fi
Donna Neiport
Adult Services Coordinator
South Park Township Library
We wanted you to know how much our audience enjoyed the performance – Ulysses S. Grant In Living History. It was a wonderful evening. Yesterday a patron stopped by the Reference Desk to let me know how much her husband and father enjoyed the program. Library visitors continue to share their comments from this July 2015 presentation.
Your program was not only educational but also entertaining for many of the over 150 guests. We look forward to working with you in the future.
Margaret Deitzer
Head, Reference Dept.
Peters Township Public Library